Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Message from the FWN President for February

Jayne McCallister- FWN President
Before you build a bridge you need Support and a Strong Foundation.

Plan now how you want to build your support system and foundation for your Networking Bridge. 

Plan now to take advantage of all that the FWN has to offer. It is an amazing organization with something for everyone, Make it yours.

Plan now to get more involved in the FWN. It is your network and the more you put into it, the more you will benefit from being a member.

Plan now to join a committee or volunteer at one of our many functions, it is a great way to get that foundation started. Getting involved is a wonderful way to stay visible and give back to the organization. Networking is not about showing up and collecting cards, it is about being involved. Networking is about building trust and relationships and seeing how you can help others.

Getting involved offers a great opportunity to explore new people, and some new interests. Take the time to get to know each other and make a friend. Friend’s build relationships and relationships build business. Your bridge will be stronger if you build your relationships. 

Plan ahead and mark you calendars for our annual Business trade show “NET @ Night” on March 21st. We need your help to make this a big success. There are many projects large and small that need volunteers. Please contact the Special Events Chair, Vanessa Carpenter, the Network Office or myself if you would like to participate. There are also booth spaces available if you would like to promote your business.

Plan now to join in and have fun, it is good for you!

If you have a story about how your Network membership has benefited you, please email it to me I would love to share your story! 

Jayne McCallister
Fresno Women's Network

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jayne for the great comments. In this time in our history those relationships are so important. I am blessed to have several great business and personal friends in the network. It is what got me going here in Fresno. Cathy
