Sunday, August 25, 2013

Dig In & Discover

At the SBO (Small Business Owners) dinner meeting last week the topic was "Dig In & Discover". The discussion was lead by one of our members, Alison Haugan and for those who attended it was an experience in digging deep to find answers to the roadblocks that continually rise to impede our success.

The women who attended were dynamic, talented and above all, prepared to share their ideas and experiences. We always start with a meal together and introductions where you will always learn something you did not know about the people who attend. We heard about how Alison was actually in the last episode of X Files and had to jump out of a helicopter; that Mikell is a choreographer and loves to dance; how Betty shared the great achievements of her grand-daughter; Suzanne shared her experience of working and living in another country and many more stories from those present. This is all part of the way we build relationships with each other which is the power of networking when you really do talk to each other.

We were also privileged to have Cindy Merzon, one of the FWN Board members in attendance to see what the SBO Forum is all about. Cindy herself was formally a small business owner and understands the challenge of owning a business and making it successful.

Our leader for the evening, Alison Haugan sure made it challenging with her questions. We had small groups and each person had a question that we had to discuss and come up with answers with help from the others. It was all about digging deep and finding the truth into what changes one could make to move forward and the result from this becomes plans for future progress.

An example of questions put to our work groups are:

"What is taking you off track from having the business of your dreams? What 3 things can you do to get ON track? Are you willing to do them?"

"What do you believe is impossible for you to accomplish right now, which if it were possible, would change your life forever?".

If you are a small business owner and have not joined this group which is part of the Fresno Women's Network membership opportunities then you may be missing out on very valuable and helpful information to ensure your success. We also have a Facebook group that you can join where a lot of additional information is shared between meetings.

The SBO Forum is about building relationships and one of the goals is to be a catalyst for creative problem solving that fosters ongoing success in life and business.

Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, 19th September and Dr Mikell Suzanne Parsons will be leading the discussion and the topic is "Bad Brain - Bad Business". Save the date and further details will be available soon on the website.

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