Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Outstanding Success for Net@Noon Mini Trade Show

Yesterday, August 13th the Fresno Women's Network held its annual Mini Trade Show which was attended by members and their guests. This event was organized by the Membership Committee under the leadership of the Committee Chair, Sandra Rodriguez. Congratulations to a job well done to Sandra and her Committee on organizing such a great event. 

Members and guests were welcomed by the smiling faces of two of our Executive Board Members, Cindy Merzon who is the Parliamentarian and Connie Smith who is 2nd Vice President.

There were lots of great vendor tables ranging from education, senior care, travel, jewelry, promotional items to medical and health. All the displays came from our membership and what an array of services our members offer each other. Have you checked out our Member Directory where you can find people who can offer you a great service? If you missed out on the event check out our photo gallery on Facebook.

The luncheon part of the event was a great success as we also had Members who sponsored and hosted tables. The table I was at was sponsored by Alison Haugan who has several businesses. I learned that it was OK to eat chocolate which I love because it is good for the brain and heart so guess I just have to change the brand of chocolate to the healthy product. I also found out that she has some great skin care for someone like me with a wrinkle here and there as she has products for the aging skin. 

We had some great people at our table, some I knew and some I met for the first time. We had two doctors, one a dentist (Dr Treva Lee) and one a naturopath (Dr Mikell Suzanne Parsons), Joyce from Evangel Home (our Community Connection), Ann Marie from AAA, Gail is a banker and Linda who had a display table and she writes and publishes children's books. Did you meet all the people at your table and find out what they do?

Following the eating part of lunch is where the real fun began with some of the best networking I have attended in a long time. An usual "scavenger hunt" was organized and we were all handed a paper with 20 questions and we had to find the answers! It was match a name to the questions which meant that everyone started talking to each other and moving around the room to fill in the sheet and in doing so met people they probably may not have known in the past. The sheet started out as "Find a member or guest who....." and some of the people you had to find were: 
  • Has a Doctorate Degree ...........
  • Was a cheerleader ....................
  • Played a musical instrument .......
  • Was in a swim team ..................
  • Was in a debate team ...............
How did you go, did you get all the answers and fill in the blanks? I got stuck on number 17 and that was "Who went to an Ivy League School". I did hear some discussing the fact that Fresno State could be classed as Ivy League because they had ivy growing there but not sure that would pass for an answer. What do you think?

We ended the event with a presentation to the winners of all the great prizes offered by the vendors and we thank you all for your great contribution and enabling the Net@Noon Mini Trade Show to be such a success and hope you will return next year. For those who were not in attendance we missed you and hope you can come in August 2014!

(Don't forget to leave us a comment below as we love to hear what you have to say about FWN events.)


  1. What fun especially for a new member! Congratulations to the organizing team.
